If there is one day of the week that I have grown to love it is Sunday. It brings up really nostalgic feelings from being a child when I talk about Sunday evenings,the big hair wash, clean sheets early night ready for school: and as an adult that sounds like absolute bliss.
I shared this technique on an email recently (if you’re not on the list you for the Sunday night emails just click here) and so many people replied saying just how important it is to have a specific technique to break up the days and nights at home.
So, my dear friend, here is my wind-down technique.
Step 1:
Preparation. Something for yourself, this can be a bubble bath, reading alone, listening to music but something to detach yourself from the busyness you may be surrounded by. It’s so important to create these small things that break up the day in lockdown, as everything can feel the same.
Step 2:
Reflection. I spend about 10 minutes after Step 1 to really thinking about how the week has gone, and believe me I am VERY truthful. Highlights for me this week include an incredible shoot for my company at a location I had on my vision board for almost a year. Lowlights are extreme overwhelm, lack of sleep and really not prioritising my wellbeing. Be as open and honest with yourself as you can be to allow yourself to grow.
Step 3:
The Ivy Lee Method. I promise you this needs to become part of your everyday life. I write down the 6 things that I need to achieve by tomorrow, and then I let go of them. I pick up my notebook in the morning and ensure I finish one task at a time. While this may seem super simple, it is highly effective with scholars and quoted by Business insider as the top productivity strategy to use.
If you need a little something extra then please take a look at my bed-time meditation that I put together to get you feeling relaxed.
Love, Kirstyx
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Hello beautiful, let's do this