I know, I know, another article about a morning routine in January – ground breaking. I was even unsure if I should write this, however, after my morning routine I was ready to sit down at my laptop to share my thoughts – the irony is not lost on me either.
What I think you may find refreshing about this article is that I am not going to share anything to do with my routine. I feel this adds a layer of “look how early I get up” or “look how much I do while you’re sleeping” and I’m really not about that. I do not have to do the school run, I do not have to commute, I am very lucky to have a lot of freedom and so I don’t see how that would be helpful at all?! What I think will be helpful is to show you how to create your own bespoke morning routine in 5 steps:
1: Time: Please ask yourself honestly how much time you have in the morning to commit to yourself, with no judgment. If you have 5 minutes then lets make these 5 minutes great! The importance of creating this time for you before starting your day is scientifically backed but from a wellbeing POV it keeps your cortisol low and reduces overwhelm before you start your day. The main point here is that you need to create something that you can do each day and maintain.
2: What do you like: There is no point in making a morning routine with things in it that you dislike and feel that you have to do. Let’s be clear, you can do whatever works for you as long as it is adding value to your wellness and your day – go for it. I see so many people say they are going to start meditation and that is amazing! but half of the time they give up because not everyone likes it. Perhaps you want to roll out of bed and put a big coat on and get some fresh air before the chaos begins? Just really make sure that you are asking yourself what you like.
3: Why am I doing this: The most important question to ask yourself. Why are you really doing this and what do you want to gain from it? asking yourself why is the most powerful thing that you can do because you create the desire to stick to this routine.
4: Swaps: What is something that you do now that you know doesn’t serve you and is something really simple that you can swap out. This could be anything from 2 shots of coffee to 1, or herbal tea rather than caffeine. I am really passionate about ensuring that we do not go without on this journey and so making a swap that isn’t taking away is a great way to do this.
5: Compassion: Not every day will go to plan, it’s just normal life. The most important moment to remember here is that you really do show yourself compassion. Perhaps carve out time later in the day for it or just give yourself the day off. The main reason the 4 points above are so important is that we need to want to do it, we need to enjoy the feeling it creates and how good we can feel.
I hope this has helped you in some way, make sure you’re following me on instagram @kirstraynor and tag me in your bespoke routines.
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Hello beautiful, let's do this