7 Days of Chakra Meditation

You are not here by accident

And it will change yours too. Once you understand what you need you will be able to work with that specific emotion through a chosen meditation on the course

meditation changed my life


Every single practice is different... isn't that part of the exceptional magic

with meditation we have no expectation


There's a reason that successful CEOs like Tony Robbins and Bill Gates start their day with meditation

meditation is for the masses


Located at the base of the spine, the root chakra is there for you if you want ot feel more grounded. Maybe you are craving connection? Perhaps we feel like you are our of alignment?  This is the practice for you. 

root chakra

Practice One

Located below the navel this is the home of creativity and passion. You know how it can be in life, where you feel that creative block, maybe you feel totally uninspired? Perhaps you feel uncomfortable when expressing your passions in life? A sacral chakra Meditation is perfect for unblocking  and releasing.

sacral chakra

Practice Two

Think of the solar plexus as the fire in your belly, the sun. The thing that lights you up and gives  you the confidence to be who you want to be. It's so easy to feel unsure of ourselves, to worry what others think. Maybe you have a big meeting coming up? perhaps you need to be bold to step into yor new career? This practice is truly going build that yang energy and fire.

solar plexus chakra

Practice Three

Our photos tell stories. But not scary ghost stories. I mean, like, the stories that dreams are made of. Like when the good guys triumph, and the bad guys get caught, and the slightly-nerdy guy captures the heart of the beautiful girl who was completely unaware of said slightly-nerdy guy's feelings for her until the end of the story. Our photos tell stories. But not scary ghost stories. I mean, like, the stories that dreams are made of. 

Heart chakra

Practice Four

This is a big one. Focussing on the power of your own voice, feeling confident enough to truly speak your truth. Have you ever found it difficult to speak up in the workplace? or perhaps with your partner?  This is the practice for you. It is a brilliant Meditation to keep referring back to when these feeling s arise. 

throat chakra

Practice Five

How would it feel to truly listen to your intuition? to feel in line with your full potentially and allow yourself to be guided? To us, that sounds like *chefs kiss*  This is a big feeling to be able to curate for yourself with huge emotions, but the reality is that without doing this where are you going? what is your focus? where is your clarity. This, for us, is a must Meditation Practice. 

Third eye chakra

Practice Six

The most subtle and final chakra. Located just above the head like your crown that you all deserve.  We like to think of this as the connection to the higher self, the growth, the self development. The place of abundance, the world is your oyster - yes please to some of that. 

crown chakra

Practice Seven

simon, global tech company

"Kirsty is the perfect fit for our company and has built a strong and trusted relationship with our folks through her 6-week Transformational Coaching course that has now formed an important part of our learning curriculum. Super positive feedback and Kirsty’s inclusive, warm, welcoming demeanour and approach has attracted global demand for the programme, and we currently enjoy culturally rich delegate groups across EU and US time zones in a truly safe space!"

Kristina, founder of Hautlistic

"After spending two days with Kirsty, I walked away with not only a phenomenal pitch, but an entire program and new found spark in my business. Kirsty managed to create such a safe and creative space, so that what we were able to produce something that would have typically taken me eight months, in two days.
I couldn’t recommend her enough. ."

Success Stories

real life

You will have lifelong access to these seven 45 minute videos to refer back to whenever you need them. All you need to do is ask yourself "what do I really need today?" and Meditate on it. Allow me to guide you and enjoy the change from day one. 

This Course Will Literally Change Your Life for £39!

I promise you. now is the time. 

I want in

I cannot wait to see how much you are going to enjoy this course. Make sure you reach out to me to tell me. 

Enjoy the transformation


I recommend doing the course each day for a week to gain the momentum initially.

take some time out


Sign up and you will instantly receive a log in to the course, where all of the seven videos are there for you.

invest in yourself


how it all works

Join the facebook group with all of the alumni and wonderful humans who understand you.

Use the Chakra Meditations in your life when you need them, eg a confidence boots, a moment of self love.

Learn how to make Meditation a daily practice that comes with ease.

Allow yourself the time to really understand what you body and mind need.

Give yourself the greatest gift of Meditation. 


You're beyond                 to be able to...

lifelong access



Kirsty provided the support and expertise I needed whilst setting up my new business. She helped me work through mentally challenging times always being my guardian angel and voice of reason.

She helped me find the confidence in myself so I could step into the woman I am determined of being. My business and I wouldn't be where we are today without Kirsty, I am forever in her debt.

click to hear from our clients

My intensive with Kirsty came at the perfect time, as I had started to realise that something needed to change in my business and I had already begun the process of rebranding. 

After the session I was (and still am) buzzing with excitement for what's next. Kirsty has injected me with confidence that I am on the right track, and I'm ready to take these next steps.

Kirsty managed to get me to dig deeper, gently pushing me to really think about my business, and unpick what my unique selling point is as a time management coach. I've got better clarity on my ideal client, my messaging as well as a strategic plan for the action I need to take.

click to hear from our clients

I wholeheartedly recommend Kirsty to anyone looking to elevate their business and personal aspirations. Her boundless energy, genuine compassion, and profound expertise are qualities I can't praise enough.

Over the past three years, Kirsty has played a pivotal role in both my personal development and business growth. I continually invest in refining my business's content strategy to adapt to its evolving needs, with Kirsty guiding me every step of the way. Remember, investing in yourself, recognising your value, and embracing continuous learning are essential.

Having Kirsty as a steadfast ally and mentor has made it a dream come true

click to hear from our clients


We've got answers


am i guided through the meditations?

You are totally guided through each video. At the beginning each chakra is explained in detail and how you can recognise if it is blocked. You are then guided through a 25 minute Meditation by Kirsty. The most beautiful part of this is that you have lifelong access because we want you to enjoy that every time you meditate will feel totally different.

can i speak to someone if i need more guidance?

Absolutely. Authenticity is my thing, if you have any questions at all please reach out to us on kirsty@kirstyraynor.com. You are one of us now, we are in this together. This is not a course that you buy and then robots reply to you, we are here for you. 

do you offer refunds?

If you don't like the course we will of course refund you. However, we have not had one refund so far and we are so proud of everything people are achieving. 

can i access kirsty for 1:1 help?

Kirsty works with. a handful of 1:1 clients a month to ensure that the energy is high vibe and works for both parties.  If you. are interested just click here.